Sunday, October 25, 2009


Social Networking. I already have a facebook account created. The link is Shiann Scheu. I think it is important for educators to know about these social networking sites because this is what our kids are all about. You can ask any student from around 5th all the way to high school ,and they will all tell you that they either have a facebook account, myspace account, or both. As an educator you can use these new technologies to inspire your students, but you have to be careful with such networking sites because not all information is filtered. I like that you can establish security settings where only your friends can see your profile. I think this is important because of privacy. As an educator, we must set an example, and you have to be careful how you present yourself on these social networks. I do not like that you people can get on there and keep making status updates and when you log on you have pages and pages of updates to weed through...most of the updates are not even interesting, but will be about now washing my car or something. Again, this could be a useful site, but one has to be careful under the realm of educaiton as not all information on these social networking sites are filtered.

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